Comment > Curious about An artifact someone told me was probably from tennakee springs possibly
I'll check with our local archeologist about this. I sure don't know about this. Sure would be great if there is a photo of the artifact. Sorry for the slow reply. Thanks for checking with us. Vicki

Below is a copy of a local archeologist's response to your query:
"As I understand it: Dolomite is an anhydrous carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, ideally CaMg(CO₃) (Wikipedia)
I think of it as being very similar to limestone - which is calcium carbonate. We have limestone in the inlet for sure. And some of it has a slightly pink hue, likely (my speculation) on account of the presence of some magnesium... (The two. - limestone and dolomite - can be in the same mapped geologic unit). (Realize, I am NOT a geologist!).
"Pink dolomite", as I understand it, often refers to a distinctive crystal. I have never heard of an occurrence of "pink dolomite" in the inlet.
I don't know anything about the production of "pink dolomite" via the mixing of saltwater and sulfur springs, but I do know sulfur has a different chemical signature than does magnesium.
I do know of artifacts made of limestone recovered on property titled to private individuals in the inlet. A net sinker comes to mind.
A "hand ax" of a crystal seems highly unlikely. So I am betting the person making this inquiry has perhaps a stone tool of limestone with a pink hue. No way to know if it for sure came from somewhere in the Inlet of course."
Hope this helps. If you find more information or can find pictures, please let us know. Vicki

Hey there so I have a question so someone told me awhile ago about a artifact called a hand axe and was from pink dolomite created from sulfer springs mixing with saltwater and he says he used to find pink dolomite while walking the streams in tennakee and also said pink dolomite stone tools have been found. Is that true? And thanks in advance.